Contact Us

Arborists are professionals educated in arboriculture – the art and science of planting and maintaining trees. They can provide advice or services in planting, transplanting, pruning, fertilizing, and pest management. They can diagnose problems and recommend treatments. Many are qualified in tree removal and value appraisals. Answer the following questions to see if you might benefit from the services of a professional arborist.

Yes No
__ __ Do you care about the present and future health of your trees?
__ __ Are you planning to plant or remove trees in your yard?
__ __ Are the trees on your trees yellowing, undersized, withering or showing dark blotches
__ __ Are the limbs of your trees dying at the ends?
__ __ Do you have plans to build on your property and have some trees that you would like to save?
__ __ Do your trees have any signs of these insect problems: curled leaves, chewed leaves, bud that don’t sprout, webs or galls? Is there a whit fuzzy substance on the underside of your hemlock needles?
__ __ Are there cracks in any of your tree trunks?
__ __ Are there cankers growing on the bark or mushrooms growing from the ground near any of your trees
__ __ Have you noticed compacted soil around your trees?
__ __ Do any of your trees have damage from a storm
__ __ Do you think any of your trees needs pruning for shaping, size control, of reducing wind resistance?
__ __ Do you have any trees with limbs interfering with wires, chimneys, gutters, or windows?

If you answered “Yes” to one or more of these questions, you might want to consult with an arborist. Not every tree company has an arborist on staff. Look for on with a membership in the International Society of Arboriculture and the National Arborist Association.

From the Home and School Bulletin, June, 2002